Effective Date From Date To
Section No. of Orders (Top)
SNo.OfficeOrderIdOffice Order No.SubjectSectionEffective DateOrder By
1 89030 08_CEH_08012025 Regarding uploading documents/information on ERP portal for selection of technician to Junior Engineer (E&M) in selection year 2024-25Personal08/01/2025CE Hydel
2 89018 1274_CEH_30122024 Regarding uploading documents/information on ERP portal for selection of technician to Junior Engineer (E&M) in selection year 2024-25Personal30/12/2024CE Hydel
3 88931 I-1052_CEH_14112024 Regarding forgo to promotion in the post of Junior Engineer Shri Mahendra Kumar, TechnicianPersonal14/11/2024CE Hydel
4 88776 2092_MPI_23102024 Regarding Permanent posts (975) of Junior Engineer and Assistant EngineerPersonal23/10/2024Chairman UPPCL
5 88628 1203_Anu_18092024 Confirmation of JE (E&M)Personal19/09/2024CE Hydel
6 88571 1845_EM07_22082024 Professional Exam Result Part 2Personal22/08/2024Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
7 88572 1844_EM07_22082024 Professional Exam Result Part 1Personal22/08/2024Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
8 88563 1032_CEH_09082024 Confirmation of JEs.(E&M)Personal09/08/2024CE Hydel
9 88561 890_CEH_24072024 Confirmation of JEs(E&M)Personal24/07/2024CE Hydel
10 88562 891_CEH_24072024 Confirmation of JEs(Civil)Personal24/07/2024CE Hydel
11 87563 103_MPI_12012024 Nomination of Officers for Conference by IEEMAPersonal12/01/2024Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
12 87208 2120_MPI_30082023 Permission to study in NTPC School of Business, NoidaPersonal30/08/2023Chairman UPPCL
13 87181 3598_EM2A_02082023 Confirmation of Non EngineersPersonal02/08/2023MD UPPCL
14 87179 9161-66_Gopan_31072023 Regarding providing ACRPersonal31/07/2023Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
15 87135 7709_Gopan06_11072023 Regarding to be provided pending periods ACR. (TRANSMISSION)Personal11/07/2023Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
16 87127 778_Anu1_CEH_06072023 Wanting of SAP ID Number and DP information of JEs (E&M)Personal06/07/2023CE (Hydel)
17 87128 779_Anu1_CEH_06072023 Wanting of SAP ID Number and DP information of JEs (Civil)Personal06/07/2023CE (Hydel)
18 87083 5885 to 5890_Gopan_22062023 Regarding to be provided pending periods ACR.Personal22/06/2023CE (Hydel) UPPCL
19 87006 439_Anu1_CEH_11052023 Wanting of DP information of JEs (E&M)Personal11/05/2023CE (Hydel)
20 86979 333_Anu1_CEH_13042023 Wanting of DP information of JEs (Civil)Personal13/04/2023CE (Hydel)
21 86980 332_Anu1_CEH_13042023 Wanting of DP information of JEs (E&M)Personal13/04/2023CE (Hydel)
22 86906 431_EM07_21022023 Professional Exam Part 1 (E&M)Personal21/02/2023Director (PM&A) UPPCL
23 86907 432_EM07_21022023 Professional Exam Part 2 (E&M)Personal21/02/2023Director (PM&A) UPPCL
24 86908 433_EM07_21022023 Professional Exam Part 1(Civil)Personal21/02/2023Director (PM&A) UPPCL
25 86883 324_EM07_07022023 Promotion of JE to AEPersonal07/02/2023Chairman UPPCL
26 86719 733_Anu_28092022 Permanent list of JE (E&M)Personal28/09/2022CE Hydel
27 86684 2439_EM07_22092022 Professional Exam Result Part 2 (E&M)Personal22/09/2022Dir(PM&A), UPPCL
28 86685 2438_EM07_22092022 Professional Exam Result Part 1 (Civil)Personal22/09/2022Dir(PM&A), UPPCL
29 86686 2437_EM07_22092022 Professional Exam Result Part 1 (E&M)Personal22/09/2022Dir(PM&A), UPPCL
30 86667 1171_CEH_09092022 Regarding uploading of information/ records on the ERP of TG2Personal09/09/2022CE Hydel
31 86718 519_Anu_06082022 Permanent list of JE (Civil)Personal06/08/2022CE Hydel
32 86614 512-Anu-I_04082022 Regarding to be provided the ACR of JEs of the year 2014 batch with SAP ID.Personal04/08/2022CE Hydel
33 86610 505_CEH_01082022 Regarding Annual Confidential Reports of pending periods of JE 2013 BatchPersonal01/08/2022CE Hydel
34 86609 1949_CEH_29072022 Regarding Job Skills Report and Evaluation of Training Period of JE Batch 2012,2014,2016,2018,2020 and 2021Personal29/07/2022CE Hydel
35 86591 466_Anu_20072022 Permanent of JE (E&M)Personal20/07/2022CE Hydel
36 86590 455_Anu_15072022 Permanent/Pending list of JE (E&M)Personal15/07/2022CE Hydel
37 86440 1680_EM07_07072022 Confirmation order of AEPersonal07/07/2022MD UPPCL
38 86433 1705_CEH_02072022 Regarding appointment on the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal02/07/2022CE Hydel
39 86435 1704_CEH_01072022 Regarding appointment on the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal01/07/2022CE Hydel
40 86313 414_CEH_07062022 House allotment to EmployeesPersonal07/06/2022CE (Hydel)
41 86320 409_CEH_06062022 Discom allotment of master role personnelPersonal06/06/2022CE (Hydel)
42 86308 1345_CEH_03062022 Regarding providing appointment for the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee) CivilPersonal03/06/2022CE (Hydel)
43 86284 80_ETI_PE_30052022 Professional Exam Part 1 & 2 of Engineer OfficersPersonal30/05/2022Director ETI
44 86279 357_CEH_2022 Discom allotment of master role personnelPersonal27/05/2022CE (Hydel)
45 86258 308_CEH_12052022 House allotment to OfficersPersonal12/05/2022CE Hydel
46 86257 1103_CEH_11052022 Regularization of JEPersonal11/05/2022CE (Hydel)
47 86256 295_CEH_09052022 Selection in the Post JE from the Post TG2Personal09/05/2022CE Hydel
48 86241 915_CEH_21042022 Appointment for the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee)-Electronics/Tele-Communication against Advt. no. 07/VSA/2020/ JE/E&MPersonal21/04/2022CE (Hydel)
49 86239 1851_EM02A_20042022 Confirmation of AOsPersonal20/04/2022MD
50 86222 824_EM07_06042022 Promotion-JE to AEPersonal06/04/2022MD UPPCL
51 86223 816_EM07_05042022 Confirmation of A.Es.(E&M/Civil)Personal05/04/2022MD, UPPCL
52 86206 177_CEH_25032022 Selection of JE from the post TG-II and Discom option selection proformaPersonal25/03/2022CE (Hydel)
53 86207 668_CEH_24032022 Regarding of appointment for the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee) Electrical, Electronics & TelecommunicationPersonal24/03/2022CE (Hydel)
54 86199 393_EM04_28022022 Resignation of Miss Shally Vats AE ID No-2020028Personal28/02/2022Chairman
55 86146 208_EM03_19012022 Medical reimbursement to Sh Alok Pratap AE (2018012)Personal19/01/2022Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
56 86142 59_CEH_18012022 Regarding sending of ACR of Junior Engineers (JE)Personal18/01/2022CE (Hydel) UPPCL
57 86136 15_CEH_06012022 Selection Order Technician to JE under 8.33 percent quotaPersonal06/01/2022CE (Hydel)
58 86158 3319_SAD-26_PCL_29122021 NOC should not be issued non-deposit of departmental Sim CardPersonal29/12/2021Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
59 86127 1434_CEH_28122021 Regarding providing evidence of service record and educational qualification technical details for promotion TG2 to JEPersonal28/12/2021CE (Hydel)
60 86120 3597_EM07_23122021 Professional Part 2 Exam Result (E&M)Personal23/12/2021Dir (P&A), UPPCL
61 86154 1394_CEH_131221 Regarding Writ No. 15819/2021 against selection of JE from TG-IIPersonal13/12/2021CE (Hydel)
62 86106 1392_CEH_10122021 Wanting details for Selection from the Post TG2 to JEPersonal10/12/2021CE (Hydel)
63 86105 1390_CEH_09122021 TG2 to JE PromotionPersonal09/12/2021CE (Hydel)
64 86103 3596_EM07_08122021 Professional Exam Result Part 1 (E&M)Personal08/12/2021Dir. (P&A), UPPCL
65 86104 3598_07_08122021 Professional Exam Result Part 1 (Civil)Personal08/12/2021Dir. (P&A)
66 86160 1385_CEH_08122021 Regarding the option for posting in DiscomPersonal08/12/2021CE (Hydel)
67 86162 4260_SAD-11_08122021 Regarding Sh RK Gupta, EE ChargePersonal08/12/2021Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
68 86066 3335_EM07_11112021 Correction Order of Himanshu Patel (2021139)Personal11/11/2021MD UPPCL
69 86060 3307_EM07_09112021 Regularisation of A.E.(T) 2020 (Electrical)Personal09/11/2021MD, UPPCl
70 86061 3308_EM07_09112021 Regularisation of A.E.(T) 2020 (Computer Science)Personal09/11/2021MD, UPPCL
71 86062 3309_EM07_09112021 Regularisation of A.E.(T) 2020 (Electronics)Personal09/11/2021MD, UPPCL
72 86063 3310_EM07_09112021 Regularisation of A.E.(T) 2020 (Civil)Personal09/11/2021MD, UPPCL
73 86053 3252_EM07_01112021 Confirmation of A.Es.(E&M/Civil)Personal01/11/2021MD UPPCL
74 85778 1843_EM07_15062021 Regularisation of AE(T)Personal15/06/2021MD UPPCL
75 85735 1416_em07_PCL_04052021 JE TO AE PROMOTION ORDER OF SHRI ASHISH MISHRA (2012/CEH/202)Personal04/05/2021MD UPPCL
76 85695 1134_EM07_27032021 cancellation of promotion order of shri mahender kumar (08/CEH/48)Personal27/03/2021CHAIRMAN
77 85696 1140_EM07_27032021 CORRIGENDUMPersonal27/03/2021DIRECTOR (P&A)
78 85680 1032_EM07_23032021 JE to AE PromotionPersonal23/03/2021MD UPPCL
79 85701 508_EM03_PCL_22032021 Sanction of reimbursement of Laptop buying for official work to Mr. Gaurav Sen (2017651), AEPersonal22/03/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
80 85702 697_EM03_PCL_17032021 Grant of NOC for appearing in interview to Mr. Dileep Kumar Sahu (2018141), AEPersonal17/03/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
81 85703 654_EM03_PCL_17032021 Change of Name of Er. Niharika Gupta to Er. Niharika Pandey (2015316), AEPersonal17/03/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
82 85662 953_EM07_17032021 JE to AE PROMOTION ORDER OF SHRI RAJ NARAYAN YADAV (10166)Personal17/03/2021CHAIRMAN
83 85663 954_EM07_17032021 JE TO AE PROMOTION ORDER OF SHRI MD JAKARIYA ANSARI (10184)Personal17/03/2021CHAIRMAN
84 85661 952_EM07_17032021 JE to Promotion order of Shri Ramesh Kumar Yadav (9804)Personal17/03/2021Chairman
85 85664 955_EM07_17032021 JE to AE PROMOTION ORDERPersonal17/03/2021CHAIRMAN
86 85705 752_EM03_PCL_15032021 Approval of Medical reimbursement of Rs. 1,43,594.00 to Mr. Waseem Ahmad (85023), Retd. AEPersonal15/03/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
87 85660 706-EM-03 15032021 Resignation of Mandheer Singh AE ID No-2017648Personal15/03/2021Chairman UPPCL
88 85704 706_EM03_PCL_15032021 Acceptance of resignation of Mr. Mandheer Singh (2017648), AEPersonal15/03/2021Chairman, UPPCL
89 85659 701_EM03_PCL_12032021 Resignation of Shri Mayank Goswami AE ID No-2018257Personal12/03/2021Chairman UPPCL
90 85665 836_EM07_06032021 Regarding Sh. Saurabh Kumar (2020050) AEPersonal06/03/2021Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
91 85666 837_EM07_06032021 Regarding Sh. Sumit Kumar AE (resignation)Personal06/03/2021Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
92 85707 693_EM03_PCL_05032021 Sanction of Medical Reimbursement of Rs. 2,93,415.00 to Mr. Ashok Kumar katyal (2002092), Retd. AEPersonal05/03/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
93 85708 574_EM03_PCL_02032021 Leave Encashment for Late Hawaldar Singh Yadav (2019031), AEPersonal02/03/2021AS-II, UPPCL
94 85709 586_EM03_PCL_01032021 Leave Encashment of 20 days to Mr. Yatendra Singh (2020114), Resigned AEPersonal01/03/2021AS-II, UPPCL
95 85710 601_EM03_PCL_01032021 Medical Reimbursement to Mr. Brij Narayan Pandey (2004079), Retd. AEPersonal01/03/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
96 85712 431_EM03_PCL_23022021 Grant of Leaves to Mr. Ashish Kaushal (2016260), AEPersonal23/02/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
97 85711 524_EM03_PCL_22022021 Grant of NOC for appearing in interview to Mr. Manvendra Pratap Singh (2018167), AEPersonal22/02/2021Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
98 85600 141_CEH_10022021 One time Final seniority list of Office AssistantPersonal10/02/2021CE (Hydel) UPPCL
99 85618 313_EM03_PCL_05022021 Reminder to Mr. Gyanendra Yadav, Retd. AE for paying remaining penal rentPersonal05/02/2021DS (03), UPPCL
100 85617 310_EM03_PCL_03022021 Regarding taking charge after demotion of Mr. Manoj Kumar Verma (2015138), JEPersonal03/02/2021DS (03), UPPCL
101 85610 41_EM03_PCL_06012021 Regarding payment of penal rent by Sri Gyanendra Yadav (86048), Retd. AEPersonal06/01/2021DS (03), UPPCL
102 85536 3252_EM07_29122020 Professional part-1 Exam result (E&M)Personal29/12/2020Director (P&A)
103 85537 3254_EM07_29122020 Professional part-1 & 2 Exam result (Civil)Personal29/12/2020Director (P&A)
104 85538 3253_EM07_29122020 Professional part-2 Exam result (E&M)Personal29/12/2020Director (P&A)
105 65517 3090_EM07_15122020 JE to AE promotion orderPersonal15/12/2020MD UPPCL
106 65496 3040_EM0704122020 Id Cancellation of Er. Ajay Kumar and Er. Manoj KumarPersonal04/12/2020Director (P&A)
107 65526 1526_EM03_PCL_11112020 Regarding submission of remaining penal rent by Mr. Gyanendra Yadav, Retd. AEPersonal11/11/2020DS (EM-03), UPPCL
108 65525 1493_EM03_PCL_29102020 Regarding Disability Allowance to Mr. Bhanu Prakash Tiwari (2020190), AEPersonal29/10/2020DS (EM-03), UPPCL
109 65452 1415_EM03_PCL_13102020 OM regarding pursuing higher education by Mr. Devendra Singh (2019130), AEPersonal13/10/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
110 65451 1407_EM03_PCL_10102020 OM regarding acceptance of resignation of Mr. Anil Kumar (2020237), AEPersonal10/10/2020Chairman, UPPCL
111 65417 1651_GCAO6_30092020 Confirmation of Assistant Accountant of UPPCLPersonal30/09/2020DGM (AA)
112 65418 1652_GCAO6_30092020 Confirmation of Assistant Accountant of KescoPersonal30/09/2020DGM (AA)
113 65445 1316_EM03_PCL_29092020 LWP with regularisation of Mr. Alakshendra (2020231), AEPersonal29/09/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
114 65408 2371_EM07_24092020 Regularisation of Er. Purushottam Kr. SinghPersonal24/09/2020MD UPPCL
115 55388 1261_EM03_PCL_22092020 Sanction of Gratuity of Late Pawan Kumar Singh (2014278), AEPersonal22/09/2020DS (03), UPPCL
116 45386 1294-EM-03 21092020 Resignation of Paritosh Singh AE ID No-2020229Personal21/09/2020Chairman UPPCL
117 65405 2156_CI_21092020 Dismissal from ServicePersonal21/09/2020Chairman UPPCL
118 55393 1263_EM03_PCL_14092020 Charge Certificate period of Shri Dharmendra Singh (2018209), AEPersonal14/09/2020DS (03), UPPCL
119 65393 1203_EM03_PCL_10092020 Earned Leave order of 82 days of Shri Dharmesh Ranjan Gupta (2015355), AEPersonal10/09/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
120 65396 1109_EM03_PCL_04092020 Regarding DP of Shri Ajay Kumar (2015172), AE and Shri Manoj Kumar Verma (2015138), AEPersonal04/09/2020DS (03), UPPCL
121 65400 1121_EM03_PCL_26082020 Regarding Ex-Gratia of Late Pawan Kumar Singh (2014278), AEPersonal26/08/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
122 15332 1123_EM03_PCL_24082020 Provisional Pension to Er. Chain Singh (2017054), Retd. AEPersonal24/08/2020DS (EM-03)
123 15325 2746_EM02A_19082020 Confirmation of Non-Engineers OfficersPersonal19/08/2020MD UPPCL
124 15317 1940_EM07_17082020 Regularisation of Er. Mahavir SinghPersonal17/08/2020MD UPPCL
125 15318 1942_EM07_17082020 Regularisation of AE(T) Comp. Sci. 2019Personal17/08/2020MD UPPCL
126 15319 1943_EM07_17082020 Regularisation of AE(T) Elec. & Tele 2019Personal17/08/2020MD UPPCL
127 15320 1944_EM07_17082020 Regularisation of AE(T) Civil 2019Personal17/08/2020MD UPPCL
128 15323 1941_EM07_17082020 Regularisation of AE (T) ElectricalPersonal17/08/2020MD UPPCL
129 15338 995_EM03_PCL_28072020 Death Ex-Gratia of Late Pramod (2016092), AEPersonal28/07/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
130 15340 749_EM03_PCL_23072020 Pension Withhold Order of Shri Bhagwati Lal (2010048), Retd. AEPersonal23/07/2020MD, UPPCL
131 5271 1611_EM07_16072020 Professional Exam Result Part 2 (E&M)Personal16/07/2020Director (P&A)
132 5272 1612_EM07_16072020 Professional Exam Result Part 2 (Civil)Personal16/07/2020Director (P&A)
133 5261 802_EM03_PCL_23062020 Sanction of Medical Reimbursement for Late Narendra Nath Agrawal (77169), Retd. AEPersonal23/06/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
134 5236 1723_EM2A_PCL_12062020 VRS to Sri Alok Kumar(A-1462) CS DVVNLPersonal12/06/2020Chairman UPPCL
135 5237 682_EM03_PCL_04062020 Sanction of Medical Reimbursement to Mr. Gulab Chandra (93005), Retd. AEPersonal04/06/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
136 5226 1067_IR-17_PCL_28052020 Regarding Dr. Sunita Chaturvedi ServicesPersonal28/05/2020Chairman UPPCL
137 5207 888_EM07_13052020 Regularisation of AE(T) 2017Personal13/05/2020MD UPPCL
138 5182 2891_PSD(PM&A)_24042020 Duty in control room set up for UP people in PunjabPersonal24/04/2020Dir(PM&A), UPPCL
139 5177 2804_PSD(PM&A)_170420 Duty in Control Room set up for UP people in PunjabPersonal17/04/2020Dir (PM&A)
140 5178 2805_PSD(PM&A)_170420 Duty in control room set for UP people in PunjabPersonal17/04/2020Dir (PM&A)
141 5175 935_EM02B_13042020 Regularisation of leave period of Late Virendra Prakash Sinha (68111) Retd. EEPersonal13/04/2020Dir (P & A)
142 5176 2775_PSD(PM&A)_130420 Duty In Control Room Set Up For UP people in PunjabPersonal13/04/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
143 5163 2699_Dir(PM&A)_01042020 Duty in control room set up for corona virusPersonal01/04/2020Dir.(PM&A), UPPCL
144 5162 2695_PS_28032020 Duty in control room set up for corona virusPersonal28/03/2020Dir P&A
145 5193 563_EM_03 21032020 Administrative sanctioning of Pension/Gratuity of Retired AE Ausaaf AhmadPersonal21/03/2020DS-03 UPPCL
146 5238 524_EM03_PCL_18032020 Extraordinary LWP of 653 days to Er. Pankhuri Garg (2015204), AEPersonal18/03/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
147 5239 517_EM03_PCL_11032020 Sanction of Medical Reimbursement to the wife of Late Laxmi Chandra Agarwal (79178), Retd. AEPersonal11/03/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
148 5146 731_EM_04_PCL_06032020 Corrigendum of OM No.05_EM_05_PCL_Dt. 05-10-2018Personal06/03/2020Dir(PM&A)
149 25371 449_EM03_PCL_03032020 Extraordinary LWP to Mr. Vivek Singh (2014050), the then AEPersonal03/03/2020Dir (PM&A), UPPCL
150 5127 697_EM2A_27022020 VRS to Sri Vijay Kumar Tomar (88049) SEPersonal27/02/2020Chairman UPPCL
151 25368 325_EM03_PCL_20022020 Regarding EL sanction & Grant of Foreign Trip of Er. Vishwas Kumar (2015370), AEPersonal20/02/2020AS-II, UPPCL
152 5225 219_CI_07022020 Regarding submission of representation Sh. Ajay Singh AE 89071Personal07/02/2020MD UPPCL
153 5099 154_SAD-26_PCL_03022020 Nomination of Nodal Officer Biometric AttendancePersonal04/02/2020Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
154 5091 401_EM02A_PCL_31012020 Cancellation of VRS to Sh. Rajeev Jain (89084) SEPersonal31/01/2020Chairman UPPCL
155 5082 212_CEH_30012020 VRS to Sh. Anil Kumar Verma JE (Sr. No. -10/CEH/673)Personal30/01/2020Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
156 5089 319_EM2A_PCL_27012020 VRS to Sh. Rajeev Jain (89084) SEPersonal27/01/2020Chairman UPPCL
157 5008 3073_EM2A_30112019 Cancellation of Voluntary Retirement of Smt. Aarti Katiyar (89087) SEPersonal30/10/2019Chairman UPPCL
158 4939 4401_SAD-11_PCL_19102019 Transfer HQPersonal19/10/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
159 5070 2349_CI-05C_PCL_18102019 Regarding submission of representation against the proposed major punishmentPersonal18/10/2019Chairman UPPCL
160 4898 881_Anu_1_Permanent_03102019 Permanent/Pending list of JE (E&M)Personal03/10/2019CE (Hydel)
161 4885 2514_EM2A_PCL_30092019 VRS to Er. Santosh Kumar Gupta (89104), SEPersonal30/09/2019Chairman UPPCL
162 4871 3967_SAD-11_PCL_19092019 Promotion HQPersonal19/09/2019MD UPPCL
163 4869 2419_EM2A_PCL_18092019 VRS to Er. Jivdhari Singh Yadaw(88338), SEPersonal18/09/2019Chairman UPPCL
164 4840 1892_GCAO6_09092019 Confirmation of Account Cadre EmployeesPersonal09/09/2019DGM (AA)
165 4841 1891_GCAO6_09092019 Confirmation of Account Cadre EmployeesPersonal09/09/2019DGM (AA)
166 4842 1890_GCAO6_09092019 Confirmation of Account Cadre EmployeesPersonal09/09/2019DGM (AA)
167 4843 1666_CEH_07092019 Promotion and Posting TG-II to JE (T)Personal07/09/2019CE (Hydel)
168 4851 1664_E-2_CEH_07092019 Corrigendum Order Promotion TG-II to JEPersonal07/09/2019CE (Hydel)
169 4852 1665_E-2_CEH_07092019 Corrigendum Order Promotion TG-II to JEPersonal07/09/2019CE (Hydel)
170 4838 1179_CEH_06092019 Discom allotment TG-IIPersonal06/09/2019CE (Hydel)
171 4835 2625_EM2B_PCL_29082019 VRS to Sh. Prem Sagar (20122902004158) EEPersonal29/08/2019Chairman UPPCL
172 4824 2216_EM07_26082019 Training Extension of Mr. Mahavir Singh AE(T)Personal26/08/2019MD UPPCL
173 4796 952_E-7_CEH_07082019 Discom allotmentPersonal07/08/2019CE (Hydel) UPPCL
174 4787 929_A-7_TG-II_01082019 Discom allotment to Sh. Dinesh Malwa TG-II (T)Personal01/08/2019CE (Hydel) UPPCL
175 4783 2152_EM07_29072019 Regularisation of AE(T)Personal29/07/2019MD UPPCL
176 4782 2153_EM07_29072019 Regularisation of AE(T)Personal29/07/2019MD UPPCL
177 4754 2009_EM07_PCL_17072019 Extraordinary leave without payPersonal17/07/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
178 4697 1025_E-2_CEH_29062019 Promotion Order TG-II to JEPersonal29/06/2019CE (Hydel)
179 4751 1189_GCAO6_28062019 Change of designationPersonal28/06/2019DGM (AA)
180 4668 749_E-5_CEH_24062019 Discoms allotment of Newly appointed Stenographer-IIIPersonal24/06/2019CE (Hydel)
181 4652 2202_SAD-11_PCL_12062019 Sh. Jawahar Lal, Officer on Special Duty (OSD) is Associated with GM (IR)Personal12/06/2019Chairman UPPCL
182 4643 662_E-05_OA-III_CEH_07062019 Discoms Allotment Executive Assistant (OA-III)Personal07/06/2019CE (Hydel)
183 4630 760_E-2_CEH_29052019 Promotion From TG-II to JEPersonal29/05/2019CE (Hydel)
184 4613 1140_EM07_02052019 Regarding discom allotment of newly appointed AE(T) ElectricalPersonal02/05/2019MD UPPCL
185 4616 1143_EM07_02052019 Regarding discom allotment of newly appointed AE(T) CivilPersonal02/05/2019MD UPPCL
186 4615 1142_EM07_02052019 Regarding discom allotment of newly appointed AE(T) Electronics & Tele.Personal02/05/2019MD UPPCL
187 4614 1141_EM07_02052019 Regarding discom allotment of newly appointed AE(T) Computer Sci.Personal02/05/2019MD UPPCL
188 4609 1029_EM07_PCL_26042019 Corrigendum for option in ACPPersonal26/04/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
189 4608 1062_EM2A_PCL_26042019 Resignation Order Sh Kushagra AgrawalPersonal26/04/2019Chairman UPPCL
190 4578 1012_SAD-11_PCL_18032019 Section allotment of Newly appointed ARO (List-I)Personal18/03/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
191 4579 1013_SAD-11_PCL_18032019 Section allotment of Newly appointed ARO (List-II)Personal18/03/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
192 4580 1014_SAD-11_PCL_18032019 Section allotment of Newly appointed ARO (List-III)Personal18/03/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
193 4582 1016_SAD-11_PCL_18032019 Transfer HQ AROPersonal18/03/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
194 4581 1015_SAD-11_PCL_18032019 Section allotment of Newly appointed ARO (List-IV)Personal18/03/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
195 4571 622_EM07_PCL_15032019 Regarding Joining Programme of AE(T) Against ADVT. No. 04/VSA/2018/AEPersonal15/03/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
196 4560 255_E-7_CEH_09032019 Discoms allotment of Technician (TG-II)Personal09/03/2019CE (Hydel)
197 4551 235_E-5_CE(H)_07032019 Regarding of Original letter Record of OA-IIIPersonal07/03/2019CE (Hydel)
198 4547 244_E-05_CE(H)_07032019 Unit allotment of Newly Executive Assistant (OA-III)Personal07/03/2019CE (Hydel)
199 4538 229_E-05_CEH_05032019 Discoms allotment of Executive Assistant (OA-III)Personal05/03/2019CE (Hydel)
200 4527 225_E-7_28022019 Discoms allotment to TG-2Personal28/02/2019CE (Hydel) UPPCL
201 4537 258_E-2_CEH_25022019 Regarding Transfer of Sh. Devendra Kumar Yadav JE (Sr.No.-9915)Personal25/02/2019MD UPPCL
202 4529 250_E-4_CEH_25022019 Regarding Sh. Devendra Kumar Yadav JE (Sr.No.-9915)Personal25/02/2019MD UPPCL
203 4521 585_SAD-11_PCL_16022019 Work allotment to Sh. Jawahar Lal, Officer on Special Duty (OSD)Personal16/02/2019Chairman UPPCL
204 4520 581_SAD-11_PCL_15022019 Posting of Newly appointed Additional Private secretary (APS)Personal15/02/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
205 4518 162_E-5_14022019 Corrigendum Order of 153_E-5_CEH_Stenographer-III Date12.02.2019Personal14/02/2019CE(Hydel)
206 4514 153_E-5_CEH_12022019 Discoms allotment of Newly appointed Stenographer-IIIPersonal12/02/2019CE (Hydel)
207 4515 182_E-7_CEH_12022019 Discom allotment Suresh Kumar Yadav TG-2(T)Personal12/02/2019CE (Hydel)
208 4516 183_E-7_CEH_12022019 Discom allotment 04 No. TG-2Personal12/02/2019CE (Hydel)
209 4493 105_MP&AA-01_PCL_29012019 Regarding Sh. Jawahar Lal, RO Posted as a Officer on Special DutyPersonal29/01/2019BOD
210 4475 387_EM2B_PCL_17012019 Exam Controller 29.01.2019Personal17/01/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
211 4476 386_EM2B_PCL_17012018 Exam Controller 24/25.01.2019Personal17/01/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
212 4472 82_E-2_CEH_14012019 Discoms allotment of 06 NO. JEPersonal14/01/2019CE (Hydel)
213 4468 69_E-2_CEH_10012019 Discoms allotment of JEPersonal10/01/2019CE (Hydel)
214 4469 46_EM03_PCL_09012019 Regarding Medical Facilities of Smt. Ankita Dwivedi (2017418) AEPersonal09/01/2019Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
215 4466 1450_E-7_CEH_04012019 Discom Allotment of Muster Roll Employee on the Post of "Shramik"Personal04/01/2019CE (Hydel)
216 4462 3981_SAD-11_31122018 Promotion of Sh. Chandra Dev Ram (HQ)Personal31/12/2018Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
217 4440 1870_E-2_CEH_27122018 Examination for newly appointed Junior Engineer(T)Personal27/12/2018CE (Hydel)
218 4426 1477_P&R-28_PCL_15122018 Revision in CPF ACT-1962 regarding Trainee EmployeePersonal15/12/2018BOD UPPCL
219 4419 1745_E-2_CEH_30112018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal30/11/2018CE (Hydel)
220 4420 1744_E-2_CEH_30112018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal30/11/2018CE (Hydel)
221 4422 1478_E-2_CEH_30112018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal30/11/2018CE (Hydel)
222 4404 3585_EM02A_26112018 VRS to Shri. Narendra Pal saxena (84018), CE-1 & GMPersonal26/11/2018Chairman UPPCL
223 4385 3456_Work_14PCL_16112018 Nodal Officer Nominated to Additional Secretary-II for ComplaintPersonal16/11/2018Managing Director
224 4376 1650/Anu-2/CE(H)/2018 DOCUMENTS REQD FOR NEWLY APPOINTED JE(T)-E&MPersonal10/11/2018CE (Hydel)
225 4389 3570_EM02A_06112018 VRS to Sh. Rajeev Bhatnagar (88068) SE ESCPersonal06/11/2018Chairman UPPCL
226 4364 1043_E-1_ACP_Ist_IInd_29102018 Regarding Ist and IInd ACP of JUNIOR ENGINEERPersonal29/10/2018CE (Hydel)
227 4365 1044_E-1_ACP_IIIrd_29102018 Regarding IIIrd ACP of JUNIOR ENGINEERPersonal29/10/2018CE (Hydel)
228 4375 3214_EM2A_PCL_27102018 VRS to Sh. Gajendra Gupta (86202) SE DVVNLPersonal27/10/2018Chairman UPPCL
229 4344 3268_EM2B_PCL_10102018 VRS to Sh. Shiv Prasad (86076) CE Level-IIPersonal10/10/2018Chairman UPPCL
230 4322 1447_E-2_CEH_28092018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal28/09/2018CE (Hydel)
231 4323 1457_E-2_CEH_28092018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal28/09/2018CE (Hydel)
232 4324 1448_E-2_CEH_28092018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal28/09/2018CE (Hydel)
233 4298 1379_E-2_CEH_17092018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-481/12Personal17/09/2018CE (Hydel)
234 4299 1380_E-2_CEH_17092018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-396/14Personal17/09/2018CE (Hydel)
235 4331 3610_EM07_PCL_10092018 Corrigendum Smt. Ashu Agarwal AE (2012111)Personal10/09/2018MD UPPCL
236 4647 844_E-1_CEH_04092018 Confirmation of JE 2007 BatchPersonal04/09/2018CE Hydel
237 4284 1959_CI-05(F)_PCL_30082018 Removal from servicePersonal30/08/2018Chairman UPPCL
238 4278 2872_EM2A_PCL_25082018 VRS to Sh Manoj Kumar Mishra AO (M-815)Personal25/08/2018Chairman UPPCL
239 4241 1197_E-2_CEH_09082018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal09/08/2018CE (Hydel)
240 4222 1112_E-2_CEH_30072018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-17Personal30/07/2018CE (Hydel)
241 4223 1111_E-2_CEH_30072018 Regularization of JE(T) DR-16Personal30/07/2018CE (Hydel)
242 4296 1125_CI-05(E)_PCL_28072018 Removal from servicePersonal28/07/2018Chairman UPPCL
243 4217 2312_SAD-11_PCL_24072018 Additional charge of US(P&R)Personal24/07/2018Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
244 4211 1753_GCAO6_21072018 Promotion & Posting in the post of AccountantPersonal21/07/2018DGM (AA)
245 4212 1754_GCAO6_21072018 Promotion & Posting in the post of AccountantPersonal21/07/2018DGM (AA)
246 4200 1027_E-2_CEH_13072018 Regularization of JE(T)-16Personal13/07/2018CE (Hydel)
247 4201 988_E-2_CEH_08072018 Regularization of JE(T) - 481/12Personal08/07/2018CE (Hydel)
248 4199 1550_GCAO6_155G_28062018 Confirmation OA-III (Acct.) EmployeePersonal28/06/2018DGM (AA)
249 4117 1737_EM02_PCL_24052018 VRS to Sh. Avdesh Kumar Dixit(A-1417) AAOPersonal24/05/2018Chairman UPPCL
250 4032 1116-EM-07/uppcl/18 One Year Training Program for A.E.(Trainee)Personal23/04/2018Dir (P&A)
251 4033 1003-EM-07/UPPCL/18 Extension of Joining Period of Sri Hari Krishna Madhav ChaudharyPersonal23/04/2018MD (UPPCL)
252 4037 1120_EM07_17042018 Corrigendum of Sh Sanjay Kumar AE (2017185)Personal17/04/2018MD UPPCL
253 4013 839_Gopan-06_PCL_07042018 Regarding ACR Submission to HQPersonal07/04/2018Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
254 4000 373_Anu-02_CEH_16_28032018 Regularization of JE(T)-16Personal28/03/2018CE (Hydel)
255 4001 372_Anu-02_CEH_16_28032018 Regularization of JE(T)-16Personal28/03/2018CE (Hydel)
256 4003 267_MP&AA_01_28032018 Staff Motivation and Empowerment Schemes (Annual Awards Scheme)Personal28/03/2018Chairman (UPPCL)
257 4004 268_MP&AA_01_28032018 Staff Motivation and Empowerment SchemesPersonal28/03/2018Chairman (UPPCL)
258 3985 262/E-7 House Allotment to Officers Posted in Lucknow UnitPersonal13/03/2018CE(H)
259 3934 120_MP&AA-01_05022018 Nomination of Public Information OfficerPersonal05/02/2018Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
260 3935 119_MP&AA-01_05022018 Nomination of Appellate Officer for UPPCLPersonal05/02/2018Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
261 3926 154_Anu-2_CEH_01022018 Regularization of JE(T) - (481)/2012Personal01/02/2018CE (Hydel)
262 3928 155_Anu-2_CEH_01022018 Regularization of JE(T)- (396)/14Personal01/02/2018CE (Hydel)
263 3929 157_Anu-2_CEH_01022018 Regularization of JE(T)-16Personal01/02/2018CE (Hydel)
264 3930 158_Anu-2_CEH_01022018 Regularization of JE(T)-16Personal01/02/2018CE (Hydel)
265 3894 21_Anu-I_CEH_03012018 Regularization of JE(T) (Civil)Personal03/01/2018CE (Hydel)
266 3877 2267_Anu-I_CEH_18122017 Regularization of JE(T) (E&M/Civil) of 2016 BatchPersonal18/12/2017CE (Hydel)
267 3879 1441_Anu-I_CEH_06122017 Regularization of JE(T) (Civil) of 2014 BatchPersonal06/12/2017CE (Hydel)
268 3816 4111_EM-07/PCL/2017 Regarding Promotion of Sri Rajendra Kumar 40%Personal17/10/2017MD(PCL)
269 3819 1895_Anu-II_CEH_12102017 Regularization of JEPersonal12/10/2017CE (Hydel)
270 3818 1152_Anu-I_CEH_09102017 Confirmation of JEPersonal09/10/2017CE (Hydel)
271 3771 3107_SP_11/PCL_220917 Regarding of Shri Aniket Jayashwal, Anusevak, Sachivalaya Admin-11Personal22/09/2017Dir (PM&A)
272 3756 2642_EM07_12092017 Corrigendum Order of Sh Krisn Kumar Gupta (7725)Personal12/09/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
273 3746 2958_EM-2B_05092017 Corrigendum Order Sh. Om Prakash Srivastav (2011006)Personal05/09/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
274 3748 2568_EM-03_05092017 Medical leave Sanction of Er. Manu Smrati Rav (2015253)Personal05/09/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
275 3735 2870, 2871 & 2872 Promotion OrdersPersonal01/09/2017US SAD
276 3734 665_JS&PS_01_30082017 Responsibility for works in different levels of employees / officers of Electricity distribution & transmission OrganizationPersonal30/08/2017Chairman
277 3725 2408_EM-03_26082017 Personal Pay of Er. Anil Kumar Sharma AE (2010293)Personal26/08/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
278 3726 2348_EM-03_26082017 Earn Leave Sanction Er. Vivek Singh (2014050) AEPersonal26/08/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
279 3727 2944_EM-02B_25082017 Home District Change Sh Ajay Kumar Srivastav EE (2002009)Personal25/08/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
280 3686 1397_Anu-2_CEH_04082017 Regularization of Junior Engineer(T) Batch2016Personal04/08/2017CE (Hydel)
281 3607 588_Anu-1_29062017 Confirmation of JE Civil 08(C)Personal29/06/2017CE (Hydle)
282 3817 533_Anu-I_CEH_22062017 Confirmation of JEPersonal22/06/2017CE (Hydel)
283 3606 491_Anu-1_15062017 Confirmation of je CivilPersonal15/06/2017CE (Hydle)
284 3488 490_Anu-1_15062017 Confirmation of Junior Engineer (JE)Personal15/06/2017CE (Hydle)
285 3486 659/E-7/TG-II Allotment order of TG-II (Trainee)-Electrical against advt no. 12/VSAPersonal14/06/2017CE(Hydel)
286 3487 657/E-7/TG-II Allotment order of TG-II (Trainee)-Electrical against advt no. 08/VSAPersonal14/06/2017CE(Hydel)
287 3481 471/Anu-1/CE(H) Promotion towards handicaped quata (Junior Engineer to Assistant Engineer)Personal12/06/2017CE(Hydel)
288 3482 472/Anu-1/CEH Wanting of DP information of JEsPersonal12/06/2017CE (Hydel)
289 3483 950_Anu_2_CEH_09062017 List of Regularisation of JE (T)Personal09/06/2017CE (Hydel) uppcl
290 3484 976_A_2_CEH_09062017 List of Regularisation of JE (T)Personal09/06/2017CE (Hydel) uppcl
291 3480 265_Anu_1_2017_07062017 Regarding of Smt. Roshni Gautam (JE) (S.No.-08/CEH-04)Personal07/06/2017CE (Hydel)
292 3474 1827_SA_11_02062017 Additional Charge of Sri S.M. Jakir Ali Kazmi, Deputy SecretaryPersonal02/06/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
293 3446 1546-SA-11 Regarding Information for Promotion of Corporation (Hq.) Class IV Employees to Class III Post.Personal19/05/2017USSAD
294 3436 746/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal17/05/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
295 3437 747/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal17/05/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
296 3438 748/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal17/05/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
297 3439 749/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-CIVILPersonal17/05/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
298 3435 745/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal17/05/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
299 3403 437/Anu-7/Awas Awantan/Employee/17 Employee House AllotmentPersonal22/04/2017CE (Hydel)
300 3406 1198_EM(2B)_19042017 Corrigendum of ID of Shri Jay Bhagwan Sharma Pathak (2010261)Personal19/04/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
301 3382 455/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal08/04/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
302 3383 456/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal08/04/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
303 3384 457/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal08/04/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
304 3385 458/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-CIVILPersonal08/04/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
305 3380 453/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal08/04/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
306 3381 454/Anu-2/CEH Allotment order of JE (Trainee)-ElectricalPersonal08/04/2017Chief Engineer (Hydel)
307 3362 1112_SAD_31032017 Promotion & Posting of Sri Deepak Srivastav-IIIPersonal31/03/2017MD UPPCL
308 3363 1113_SAD_31032017 Additional Charge to Smt. G. Rastogi and Sri RK BhatnagarPersonal31/03/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
309 3356 882_EMO7_25032017 Category Corrigendum of Sri Lokendra Nath AE (2015243)Personal25/03/2017Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
310 3335 274-Anu-7/CE(H)/Officer House Allotment Officer House AllotmentPersonal08/03/2017CE(Hydel)
311 3336 273-Anu-7/CE(H)/Adhi.A./Niymit/2017 Officer House RegularizationPersonal08/03/2017CE(Hydel)
313 3308 1775_EM03_02012017 Home District Change of Er. Vivek Kumar Singh (2001096) EEPersonal02/01/2017DS
314 3260 Gopan Pending ACR of A EPersonal20/12/2016DS Gopan
315 3311 735_Anu-1_CEH_16122016 Confirmation of Junior EngineerPersonal16/12/2016CE (H)
316 3320 429_Anu-6 18 percent interest as per court orderPersonal15/10/2016CE-Hydel
317 3184 3378_EM07_08092016 Regularize of AE(E&M) Electrical Sh. Pwan Verma & Sh Ashwani K VermaPersonal08/09/2016MD
318 2912 3489-EM-07 confirmation of AEs (E&M)Personal30/12/2015MD UPPCL
319 2871 3338_EM07_19122015 Exctension of joining time of AE(T)Personal19/12/2015Dir (P&A)
320 2636 441_KVN_220615 Relaxation in Bond Money for AE(T)Personal22/06/2015Add Secty-I
321 2536 39_Viniyam_KVN_120515 Clarification of Degree in Electrical/Electronics/Computer SciencePersonal12/05/2015BOD
322 2555 14_EM02B_110512 123123Personal04/05/2015CMD
323 2493 1047_Gopan06_090315 Regarding ACR of all Engineer OfficersPersonal09/03/2015Dir(PM&A)
324 2494 1046_Gopan_09032017 OM for ACR GuidelinesPersonal09/03/2015Dir(PM&A)
325 2479 14_EM02B_2015 PromotionPersonal28/02/2015MD UPPCL
326 2448 49_02A_2015 Remove from additional ChargePersonal29/01/2015MD UPPCL
327 2423 4370_IR_060115 Prevention of electricity accidentPersonal06/01/2015Chairman
328 2349 1487_Training_011214 Aamelan to UPPCL from UPPTCLPersonal01/12/2014Add. Secty
329 2350 1489_Training_011214 Aamelan to UPPTCL from Discoms/On deputation PersonalsPersonal01/12/2014Add. Secty
330 2360 1488_Training_10_011214 Aamelan to UPPTCL from UPPCLPersonal01/12/2014Add Secty
331 2318 5105_EM07_22112014 JE to AE PromotionPersonal22/11/2014MD
332 2282 22_EM04_2014 TransferPersonal14/10/2014MD UPPCL
333 2265 2190_MP_220914 OM related to creation of 415 postPersonal22/09/2014Chairman
334 2216 4135_EM07_010914 Promod Kumar Mishra ID 2014353Personal01/09/2014Dir(PM&A)
335 2206 74_EM_02A/2014 TransferPersonal27/08/2014MD UPPCL
336 2207 32_EM02B/2014 TransferPersonal27/08/2014MD UPPCL
337 2225 706_Works_14_310514 Rates of Contract basis from Sainik Kalyan NigamPersonal31/05/2014MD
338 2094 1862_EM07_090514 Sri Dipanshu Sahay AE ID 2014371Personal09/05/2014MD
339 2224 381_Works_14_270314 Person taken from UP Purva Sainik Kalyan Nigam LimitedPersonal27/03/2014MD
340 2065 14_EM02B_01032014 TransferPersonal01/03/2014MD UPPCL
341 2032 18_EM02A_05022014 Additional ChargePersonal05/02/2014MD UPPCL
342 2027 558_EM02B_04022014 Additional ChargePersonal04/02/2014MD UPPCL
343 2009 457_EM07_24012014 conformationPersonal24/01/2014MD UPPCL
344 2008 457_EM07_240114 Permanent list of AE (E&M)Personal24/01/2014MD
345 2007 443_EM07_230114 Permanent list of AE (E&M/Civil)Personal23/01/2014Dir(PM&A)
346 2047 275_EM07_17012014 Posting as Regular AEPersonal17/01/2014MD
347 1988 276_EM07 Posting as Regular Asstt. EngrPersonal17/01/2014MD
348 1990 275_EM07_Part_1 Posting as Asstt. EngrPersonal17/01/2014MD
349 1991 275_EM07_Part_2 Posting as Asstt. EngrPersonal17/01/2014MD
350 1992 275_EM07_Part_3 Posting as Asstt. EngrPersonal17/01/2014MD
351 1993 275_EM07_Part_4 Posting as Asstt. EngrPersonal17/01/2014MD
352 1994 07_Viniyam_160114 OM related for 40% quota of promotion JE to AEPersonal16/01/2014Chairman
353 1985 262_EM07_160114 Permanent list of AE (Civil)Personal16/01/2014MD
354 1961 7868_Gopan06_241213 Regarding timely submission of ACRPersonal24/12/2013Ad Secty
355 1898 218DSEM02A_09102013 CorrigendumPersonal09/10/2013Managing Director
356 1893 3544_SA11_011013 OM No. 3544-SA-11/PCL/2013-07-SA/2004 date 01/10/2013Personal01/10/2013Dir(PM&A)
357 1862 1679_PAR28_120913 Reservation for Ex Serviceman in Group C and DPersonal12/09/2013Chairman
358 1828 821_ETI_240813 OM for training of SE/EE from 19/08/13 to 24/08/13Personal24/08/2013Dir(ETI)
359 1827 457_KVN_220813 Relaxation in service rule-2013 in PromotionPersonal22/08/2013JS
360 1818 3695_EM07_120813 Corrigendum of OM 1062-EM-07/PCL/12-11-EM-07/10 date 11/05/12Personal12/08/2013Dir(PM&A)
361 1817 5884_Gopan_06_120813 For delaying of ACR 2012-13Personal12/08/2013Dir(PM&A)
362 1819 3668_EM07_080813 Confirmation of AE (E&M) cadrePersonal08/08/2013MD
363 1781 3141_EM07_160713 Sri Ramesh Chandra ID 2013041Personal16/07/2013MD
364 1772 3109_EM07_060713 Result of Professional Part-1 & 2 held on 10/05/13Personal06/07/2013Dir(PA&M)
365 1756 3061_EM07_030713 OM for permanent of Sri Ashok Kumar Sachan AE ID 91111Personal03/07/2013Dir(PM&A)
366 1746 19_EM_02B AE to EE (E&M) PromotionPersonal02/07/2013MD
367 1747 20_EM_02B AE to EE (Civil) PromotionPersonal02/07/2013MD
368 1750 43_EM_02A SE to CE (Civil) PromotionPersonal02/07/2013MD
369 1751 44_EM_02A EE to SE (E&M) PromotionPersonal02/07/2013MD
370 1752 45_EM_02A EE to SE (Civil) PromotionPersonal02/07/2013MD
371 1753 2268_SA11_010713 PromotionPersonal01/07/2013MD
372 1755 2289_SA11_010713 Additional ChargePersonal01/07/2013Dir(PM&A)
373 1735 3008_EM07_29062013 JE to AE PromotionPersonal29/06/2013MD
374 1739 2095_EM_290613 Promotion JE to AE (Civil)Personal29/06/2013MD
375 1733 1884_IR_240613 Direction to Union/Association for their demandsPersonal24/06/2013Dir(PM&A)
376 2087 1923_EM07_20062013 Absorption OrderPersonal20/06/2013Chairman
377 1712 14_Viniyam_150613 OM of modification for AE postPersonal15/06/2013Dir
378 1710 610_MP_120613 43 post of AE held in abeyancePersonal12/06/2013MD
379 1709 2318_Gopan06_060613 OM for ACR entry of Store of DiscomsPersonal06/06/2013Dir(PM&A)
380 1686 1323_EM07_130513 Corrigendum letter No.1499-EM07 dated 05/06/12Personal13/05/2013Dir (PM&A)
381 1672 381_ETI_300413 Exam of Professional Part-I & II on 10/05/13Personal30/04/2013Dir ETI
382 1667 370_ETI_250413 Final Examination of AE (Trainee) joined in June-2012Personal25/04/2013Dir ( ETI )
383 1657 1083_EM-07_20042013 Confirmation OrderPersonal20/04/2013MD
384 1649 1360-EM02A_28.03.2013 RETIREMENT LIST OF OFFICERS ABOVE S.E. & OTHERSPersonal28/03/2013MD
385 1638 365_MP_140313 Post of CE(L-2) & SE increasedPersonal14/03/2013MD
386 1600 728_EM02A_13022013 Pay parity of EngineersPersonal13/02/2013Managing Director
387 1591 144_PAR28_150113 Ladies Reservation in Direct RecruitmentPersonal15/01/2013MD
388 1581 4950_EB02B CorrigendemPersonal31/12/2012MD
389 1571 5733_EM02A_27 12 2012 Confirmation of Non Engrs. OfficersPersonal27/12/2012Managing Director
390 1536 1757A2_CEH_191112 Retirement date of JEPersonal19/11/2012CE Hyd
391 1531 3544_EM04_301012 To make available of Incumbency of AE E&M CivilPersonal30/10/2012JS
392 1494 3285_NG09B_181012 TG-II to JE (In-charge)Personal18/10/2012MD
393 1484 630_MP_171012 Cancellation of Profit Center of ShahjanpurPersonal17/10/2012MD
394 1485 4857_SA11_151012 Sri Avdesh Kumar ARO attach to Camp of Dir(P&A)Personal15/10/2012Dir(P&A)
395 1451 4536_SA11_011012 Additional ChargePersonal01/10/2012Dir (P&A)
396 1452 4559_SA11_011012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/10/2012Dir (P&A)
397 1449 4534_SA11_011012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/10/2012Dir (P&A)
398 1450 4535_SA11_011012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/10/2012Dir (P&A)
399 1435 4507_SA11_270912 Attach to Deptt/CampPersonal27/09/2012Dir (P&A)
400 1436 4508_SA11_270912 Attach to Deptt/CampPersonal27/09/2012Dir (P&A)
401 1412 737_CEH_130912 ACR wanted for promotion Draftsman to ComputerPersonal13/09/2012CE Hydel
402 1395 84_EM_2B_030912 Promotion & TransferPersonal03/09/2012MD
403 1383 67_EM02A_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
404 1388 77_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
405 1389 78_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
406 1390 79_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
407 1382 66_EM02A_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
408 1387 76_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
409 1391 80_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Dirrector
410 1392 81_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
411 1393 82_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012Managing Director
412 1394 75_EM02B_01092012 Promotion and PostingPersonal01/09/2012MD
413 1404 3030_EM04_290812 Requirement of Post of AE E&M , Civil CadrePersonal29/08/2012JS
414 1369 71_EM02B_21082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal25/08/2012Managing Director
415 1363 61_EM02A_25082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal25/08/2012Managing Director
416 1359 60_EM02A_23082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal23/08/2012Managing Director
417 1358 71_EM2B_210812 Promotion : AE to EE Id 89072Personal21/08/2012MD
418 1350 58_EM02A_16082012 Promotion and PostingPersonal16/08/2012Managing Director
419 1342 57_EM02A_13082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal13/08/2012Managing Director
420 1345 2377_EM07_130812 Confirmation of AEPersonal13/08/2012Dir (P&A)
421 1346 2368_EM07_130812 Promotion JE to AEPersonal09/08/2012MD
422 1328 53_EM02A_09082012 Promotion and PostingPersonal09/08/2012Managing Director
423 1327 60_EM02B_09082012 Promotion and PostingPersonal09/08/2012Managing Director
424 1321 3766_EM2A_08082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal08/08/2012Managing Director
425 1317 3762_EM2A_08082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal08/08/2012Managing Director
426 1318 3763_EM2A_08082012 Transfer & PromotionPersonal08/08/2012Managing Director
427 1322 3765_3769_EM2A_080812_09-0812 Promotion and PostingPersonal08/08/2012Managing Director
428 1313 58_EM2B_08082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal08/08/2012Managing Director
429 1314 59_EM2B_08082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal08/08/2012Managing Director
430 1309 2308_EM07_060812 Professional Exam Result : Held 11/05/12Personal06/08/2012Dir (P&A)
431 1310 2309_EM07_060812 Professional Exam Result : ID 201011 CivilPersonal06/08/2012Dir (P&A)
432 1280 41_EM2A_01082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/08/2012Managing Director
433 1281 42_EM2A_01082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/08/2012Managind Director
434 1282 43_EM2A_01082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/08/2012Managing Director
435 1283 44_EM2A_01082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/08/2012Managing Director
436 1319 3764_EM2A_08082012 Promotion & PostingPersonal01/08/2012Managing Director
437 1298 2917SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (P&A)
438 1299 2918_SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (P&A)
439 1300 2919_SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (PA)
440 1301 2920_SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (P&A)
441 1302 2921_SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (P&A)
442 1303 2922_SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (P&A)
443 1304 2923_SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (P&A)
444 1305 2945_SA_010812 PostingPersonal01/08/2012Dir (P&A)
445 1277 3655_EM2A_300712 Promotion :Asstt. PRO to PROPersonal30/07/2012CMD
446 1278 3656_EM2A_300712 Promotion : PO to Sr. POPersonal30/07/2012CMD
447 1265 45_EM02B_240712 Promotion and PostingPersonal24/07/2012CMD
448 1266 46_EM02B_240712 Promotion and PostingPersonal24/07/2012CMD
449 1267 45_EM2B_240712 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal24/07/2012CMD
450 1268 46_EM2B_240712 Promotion : AE to EE CivilPersonal24/07/2012CMD
451 1271 2233_EM07_240712 ConfirmationPersonal24/07/2012Dy Sect
452 1257 33_3580_EM2A_230712 Promotion and PostingPersonal23/07/2012CMD
453 1259 35_EM2A_230712 Promotion and PostingPersonal23/07/2012CMD
454 1260 36_3576_EM2A_230712 Promotion and PostingPersonal23/07/2012CMD
455 1263 36_EM2A_230712 Promotion : EE to SE CivilPersonal23/07/2012CMD
456 1258 34_EM2A_230712 Promotion and PostingPersonal23/07/2012CMD
457 1255 2874_EM02B_210712 Home District : Pankaj KumarPersonal21/07/2012Dy Sect
458 1249 2160_EM07_160712 ConfirmationPersonal16/07/2012JS
459 1250 2134_EM07_160712 Promotion JE to AEPersonal16/07/2012JS
460 1235 37_EM2B_110712 Promotion & PostingPersonal11/07/2012CMD
461 1236 38_EM2B_110712 Promotion & PostingPersonal11/07/2012CMD
462 1244 Form_Prop_Statement Form: Property StatementPersonal11/07/2012CMD
463 1226 2455_SP_300612 Promotion : HQPersonal30/06/2012DIR_P
464 1222 1951_EM07_280612 Confirmation : AEPersonal28/06/2012Dy Secy
465 1210 36_EM2B_220612 Promotion and PostingPersonal22/06/2012CMD
466 1220 1892_EM07_200612 Promotion :Idno.2012194Personal20/06/2012DY Secy.
467 1193 22_EM02B_130612 Promotin:AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
468 1194 23_EM02B_130612 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
469 1195 24_EM02B_130612 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
470 1196 25_EM02B_130612 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
471 1197 26_EM02B_130612 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
472 1198 27_EM02B_130612 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
473 1199 28_EM02B_130612 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
474 1200 29_EM02B_130612 Promotion AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
475 1201 30_EM02B_130612 Promotion AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
476 1202 31_EM02B_130612 Promotion AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
477 1203 32_EM02B_130612 Promotion AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
478 1204 33_EM02B_130612 Promotion AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
479 1205 34_EM02B_130612 Promotion AE to EEPersonal13/06/2012CMD
480 1186 1499_EM07_050612 Promotion : JE to AEPersonal05/06/2012CMD
481 1183 1883_SA_250512 Promotion: HQPersonal25/05/2012DIR_P
482 1164 15_EM02B_240512 Promotion : Idno.89067Personal24/05/2012CMD
483 1187 1901_EM02B_220512 Corrig: PromotionPersonal22/05/2012Dir_P
484 1188 1902_EM02B_220512 Corrig: PromotionPersonal22/05/2012Dir_P
485 1157 11_EM02A_220512 Promotion: Idno.7313_7704Personal22/05/2012CMD
486 1159 2201_EM02A_220512 Promotion: R-813Personal22/05/2012CMD
487 1160 2200_EM02A_220512 Promotion: S-753_K-281Personal22/05/2012CMD
488 1161 12_EM02A_220512 Promotion : SE to CEPersonal22/05/2012CMD
489 1150 14_EM02B_190512 Promotion: Idno.89066Personal19/05/2012CMD
490 1151 13_EM02B_190512 Promotion:88187_89059Personal19/05/2012CMD
491 1152 1763_SA_180512 Promotion : HQPersonal18/05/2012DIR_P
492 1153 1751_SA_180512 Promotion: HQPersonal18/05/2012Dir_P
493 1154 1762_SA_180512 Promotion : HQPersonal18/05/2012Dir_P
494 1155 1764_SA_180512 Promotion: HQPersonal18/05/2012Dir_P
495 1143 09_EM02B_180512 Promotion EE to SEPersonal18/05/2012CMD
496 1144 10_EM02B_180512 Promotion EE to SEPersonal18/05/2012CMD
497 1145 2089_EM02A_180512 corrig : IDNOPersonal18/05/2012CMD
498 1146 2090_EM02A_180512 Corrig : Idno.76378Personal18/05/2012CMD
499 1147 2091_EM02A_180512 Corrid : Idno. 76350Personal18/05/2012CMD
500 1148 2092_EM02A_180512 Corrig: Idno.78035Personal18/05/2012CMD
501 1149 2093_EM02A_180512 Corrig: Idno. 76309Personal18/05/2012CMD
502 1140 1777_EM02B_140512 Promotion: Idno.94001Personal14/05/2012Dir_P
503 1130 1070-EM-07/2012 Allotment of Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersPersonal12/05/2012CMD
504 1136 1076-EM-07/2012 Allotment of Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersPersonal12/05/2012CMD
505 1131 1071-EM-07/2012 Allotment of Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersPersonal12/05/2012CMD
506 1132 1072-EM-07/2012 Allotment of Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersPersonal12/05/2012CMD
507 1133 1073-EM-07/2012 Allotment of Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersPersonal12/05/2012CMD
508 1134 1074-EM-07/2012 Allotment of Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersPersonal12/05/2012CMD
509 1135 1075-EM-07/2012 Allotment of Newly Appointed Assistant EngineersPersonal12/05/2012CMD
510 1126 1062_EM07_110512 Promotion JE to AEPersonal11/05/2012CMD
511 1117 06_EM02B_090512 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
512 1114 03_EM02B_090512 Promotion AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
513 1115 04_EM02B_090512 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
514 1116 05_EM02B_090512 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
515 1118 07_EM02B_090512 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
516 1137 11_EM02B_090512 Promotion AE to EE: Idno 89111Personal09/05/2012CMD
517 1119 08_EM02B_090512 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
518 1120 09_EM02B_090512 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
519 1121 10_EM02B_090512 Promotion : AE to EEPersonal09/05/2012CMD
520 1128 1031_EM_07/2012 Performa of Appointment letter of AE (Trainee)Personal05/05/2012CMD
521 1101 1168_IR_250412 EX. Gratia 2010-11Personal25/04/2012Karmik Officer
522 1081 145_MS_AR01_090412 Transfer Policy 2012-13Personal09/04/2012CMD
523 1082 146_MS_AR01_090412 Transfer Policy 2012-13Personal09/04/2012CMD
524 1086 1414_EM02A_070412 Additional Charge : Dir_PPersonal07/04/2012CMD
525 1087 1801_PS_050412 Additional Charge : Dir _TechPersonal05/04/2012CMD
526 1074 557_EM07_170312 AE : ConfirmationPersonal17/03/2012Dir_P
527 1018 416_EM07_270212 Prof. Exam Result held on 27.11.11Personal27/02/2012Dir_P
528 1019 417_EM07_270212 Prof. Exam Result Idno.200803Personal27/02/2012Dir_P
529 1009 01_EM02B_170212 Promotion AE to EE : Idno. 88327Personal17/02/2012JS
530 995 05_EM07_030112 Time Scale Sr. AEPersonal03/01/2012DS
531 993 1492_CE_CC_311211 Additional charge ULDC IdNO:76288Personal31/12/2011CE
532 992 2563_EM07_241211 AE : confirmationPersonal24/12/2011CMD
533 2088 2566_EM07_24122011 Absorption OrderPersonal24/12/2011CMD
534 981 103_EM02B_231211 Promotion from AE to EEPersonal23/12/2011JMD
535 982 104_EM02B_231211 Promotion from AE to EEPersonal23/12/2011JMD
536 983 105_EM02B_231211 Promotion from AE to EEPersonal23/12/2011JMD
537 984 106_EM02B_231211 Promotion From AE to EEPersonal23/12/2011JMD
538 985 107_EM02B_231211 Promotion from AE to EEPersonal23/12/2011JMD
539 986 108_EM02B_231211 Promotion From AE to EEPersonal23/12/2011JMD
540 974 6795_AS_CAMP_161211 Dual Charge : Idno. 76045Personal16/12/2011DIR_P
541 934 142_IR_041111 Regulation 2011 : Drawing CadrePersonal04/11/2011US
542 929 138_IR_241011 Regulation Service RulesPersonal24/10/2011Dir_P
543 701 336_EM07_140211 Result of Prof. ExamPersonal14/02/2011Dir_P
544 707 299_300_EM07_070211 Promotion from JE to AEPersonal07/02/2011JMD
545 679 04_EM02B_100111 Promotion and PostingPersonal10/01/2011JMD
546 681 06_EM02B_100111 Promotion and PostingPersonal10/01/2011JMD
547 682 03_EM02B_100111 Promotion and PostingPersonal10/01/2011JMD
548 677 01_EM02B_100111 promotion and PostingPersonal10/01/2011JMD
549 678 02_EM02B_100111 Promotion and PostingPersonal10/01/2011JMD
550 680 05_EM02B_100111 Promotion and PostingPersonal10/01/2011JMD
551 686 212_EM02A_030111 Dual Charge Ino7304_7727Personal03/01/2011JMD
552 685 6716_EM02A_311210 Extension of Service Idno:76416Personal31/12/2010CMD
553 647 6032_EM02A_161110 Add Charge:74161Personal16/11/2010CMD
554 648 6031_EM02A_16112010 Add Charge:75046Personal16/11/2010CMD
555 626 5360_2A_300910 Ashok Kumar : Charge of GMPersonal30/09/2010DIR_PA
556 597 4820_EM_2A_27_08_2010__AAO_to_AO Promotion and PostingPersonal27/08/2010AMD
557 598 4821_EM_2A_27_08_2010_AO_to_SAO Promotion and PostingPersonal27/08/2010AMD
558 599 4822_EM_2A_27_08_2010_SAO_to_DCAO Promotion and PostingPersonal27/08/2010AMD
559 601 4823_EM_2A_27_08_2010_SCAO_to_DCCAO Promotion and PostingPersonal27/08/2010AMD
560 593 109_EM2B_270810 Posting order EE_ID_86035Personal27/08/2010DS
561 588 96_IR_200810 Employee Conduct Rule 1956Personal20/08/2010CMD
562 584 103_EM_2B_19_2010_86158_88158 Promotion & PostingPersonal19/08/2010AMD
563 587 106_EM_2B_19_08_2010 Promotion & PostingPersonal19/08/2010AMD
564 526 1431_EM07_130710 Cancellation order for OM_2752_EM07_101209Personal13/07/2010DS
565 490 1407_EM07_080710 Confirmation of AEsPersonal08/07/2010DS
566 453 51_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
567 454 52_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
568 455 53_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
569 456 54_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
570 457 55_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
571 458 56_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
572 459 57_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
573 460 58_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
574 461 59_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
575 462 60_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
576 463 61_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
577 464 62_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
578 465 63_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
579 466 64_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
580 467 65_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
581 468 66_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
582 469 67_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
583 470 68_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
584 471 69_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
585 472 70_EM2B_300610 PRMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
586 473 71_EM2B_300610 PROMOTION AND POSTINGPersonal30/06/2010AMD
587 435 1247_EM07_110610 Promotion from JE to AEPersonal11/06/2010DS
588 424 49_EM2B_100610 Promotion of AE to EEPersonal10/06/2010DS
589 400 29_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE To EE Idno:86134Personal24/05/2010CMD
590 401 30_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno:86126Personal24/05/2010CMD
591 402 31_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno:86137Personal24/05/2010AMD
592 403 32_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 86125Personal24/05/2010AMD
593 404 33_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 86130Personal24/05/2010AMD
594 405 34_EM02B_240510 Promotion Ae to EE Idno:86127Personal24/05/2010AMD
595 406 35_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE To EE Idno:86206Personal24/05/2010AMD
596 407 36_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 86210Personal24/05/2010AMD
597 408 37_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 86345Personal24/05/2010AMD
598 409 38_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 86055Personal24/05/2010AMD
599 410 39_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 86056Personal24/05/2010AMD
600 411 40_EM02B_240510 Promotion ASE to EE Idno: 88157Personal24/05/2010AMD
601 412 41_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 88135Personal24/05/2010AMD
602 413 42_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Idno: 88155Personal24/05/2010AMD
603 414 43_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Id no: 88147Personal24/05/2010AMD
604 415 44_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Id No: 88143Personal24/05/2010AMD
605 416 45_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Id no: 88171Personal24/05/2010AMD
606 417 46_EM02B_240510 Promotion AE to EE Id no: 88073Personal24/05/2010AMD
607 387 393_MPR01_150510 Promotion Idno:7723Personal15/05/2010CMD
608 386 2544_EM02A_050510 Dual Charge: Director(Comm)Personal05/05/2010CMD
609 372 978_EM07_010510 Promotion JE to AEPersonal01/05/2010AMD
610 356 11_EM2A_230410 Er Alok Verma Promotion toSEPersonal23/04/2010DS
611 345 16_EM02B_200410 Posting Order New EEPersonal20/04/2010AMD
612 346 17_EM02B_200410 Posting Order of New EEPersonal20/04/2010AMD
613 347 18_EM02B_200410 Posting Order of New EEPersonal20/04/2010AMD
614 321 13_EM2B_130410 Promotion AE to EEPersonal13/04/2010DS
615 336 822_em07_130410 Promotion from JEs TO AEsPersonal13/04/2010DS
616 337 823_em07_130410 Promotion from JES TO AEsPersonal13/04/2010DS
617 329 2029_EM2A_070410 SEs B.P.TEWARI & A.GUHA ATTACHMENTPersonal07/04/2010DS
618 295 02_EM02B_060310 Promotion AE to EEPersonal06/03/2010DS
619 291 477_EM07_250210 Promotin from J.E. TO A.E.Personal25/02/2010DS
620 292 478_EM07_250210 Promotin from J.E. TO A.E.Personal25/02/2010DS
621 293 479_EM07_250210 Promotin from J.E. TO A.E.Personal25/02/2010DS
622 294 480_EM07_250210 Promotin from J.E. TO A.E.Personal25/02/2010DS
623 286 379_EM07_090210 Prof. Exam. 13_11_09 ResultPersonal09/02/2010DS
624 262 68_AR_01_250110 Power of AMD UPPCLPersonal25/01/2010DIR(P&M)
625 1243 Form_Downl_Property_State Form: Property StatementPersonal31/12/2009CMD
626 248 2905_EM07_231209 AE ConfirmationPersonal23/12/2009DS
627 251 2889_EM07_211209 Promotion to AE PostPersonal21/12/2009DS
628 234 2893_EM07_211209 Sri Shalendra Kumar AE :AppointmentPersonal21/12/2009DS
629 215 2750_EM07_101209 Posting Order of AE TraineePersonal10/12/2009DS
630 216 2751_EM07_101209 Posting Order of AE TrineePersonal10/12/2009DS
631 217 2752_EM07_101209 Posting Order of AE TraineePersonal10/12/2009DS
632 211 2717_EM_07_051209 Result-Proff. Exam Held on 12.06.2009Personal05/12/2009DS_EM_07
633 163 828_MPAR_01_181109 Nomination for Webmaster InchargePersonal18/11/2009DS_MP
634 126 696_MS_01_231009 Regarding Provision in Transfer Scheme about StaffPersonal23/10/2009DS_MS_01
635 125 643_MS_01_210809 Nomination as Vigilance Officer to Director(P&A)Personal21/08/2009DS_MS_01
636 55 17 EM_04_010709 Posting Order of AE return from deputationPersonal01/07/2009CMD
637 134 434_MPAR_01_050609 Change of HQ of ASP VigilancePersonal05/06/2009DS_MPAR
638 219 405_EM07_270209 Promotion of Junior EngineerPersonal27/02/2009Joint Secy.
639 220 272_EM07_110209 Promotion of Junior EngineerPersonal11/02/2009DS
640 132 79_MPAR_01_090209 Nomination of Chief Vigilance officerPersonal09/02/2009Add Secy-01
641 232 2325_EM07_201208 Promotion from JE to AEPersonal20/12/2008DS
642 229 1941_EM07_250908 Promotion from JE to AE (Civil)Personal25/09/2008DS
643 225 1888_EM07_180908 Promotion from JE to AEPersonal18/09/2008DS
644 226 1887_EM07_180908 Promotion from JE to AEPersonal18/09/2008DS
645 156 168_MPAR_01_270608 Nomination for Information Officer at HQPersonal27/06/2008CGM_01
646 157 169_MPAR_01_170608 Transfer policyPersonal17/06/2008CGM_01
647 228 40_EM07_100108 Corrig. Jai Kumar GargPersonal10/01/2008DS
648 960 1258_CE_H_051107 Appointment of Junior EngineerPersonal05/11/2007CE_H
649 184 221_AR_01_300807 Nodal Officer for ComplaintPersonal30/08/2007DGM_AR_Works
650 181 203_AR_01_020807 Transfer Policy for 2007-08Personal02/08/2007CGM_01
651 202 379_MP_08_210706 Change of designation of EngineersPersonal21/07/2006Director(P&M)
652 197 239_MP_08_150506 admin control of Billing centre DelhiPersonal15/05/2006DS_MP