Effective Date From Date To
Section No. of Orders (Top)
SNo.OfficeOrderIdOffice Order No.SubjectSectionEffective DateOrder By
1 89107 4522_SAD_04022025 Transfer of ARO HQTransfer04/02/2025Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
2 89108 06_DG ETI_03022025 Regarding the Basic Training Programme from 18.02.2025 to 19.03.2025 for JE (T)Others03/02/2025DG ETI
3 89105 05_DG ETI_01022025 Part- B Examination of JE Regarding RegularizationPersonal01/02/2025DG (DG ETI)
4 89106 4333_MPI_01022025 Regional Investor Awareness Seminar on Financial LiteracyOthers01/02/2025Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
5 89101 I/3982_2025_MPI_31012025 Regarding correspondence of files to be done through e-office from 01 March 2025Establishment Rules31/01/2025Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
6 89098 1/4283/2025_31012025 OM VRS of Sri Ravindra Kumar Bansal, CEL2Retirement31/01/2025Chairman UPPCL
7 89099 1/4291/2025_31012025 OM VRS of Sri Ajay Kumar (91046), CEL2Retirement31/01/2025Chairman UPPCL
8 89102 290_SAD_31012025 Promotion and Posting of RO to SO (HQ)Transfer31/01/2025Dir (PM&A) UPPCL
9 89104 4277_EM04_31012025 OM VRS of Sri Ram Narayan Sharma (2016030), AEPersonal31/01/2025Chairman UPPCL
10 89100 1/4290/2025_31012025 OM VRS of Sri Sandeep Bansal (91012), CEL1Retirement31/01/2025Chairman, UPPCL